I have spent a great deal of time strategizing with some of the largest law firms in North America including ones that specialize in taking on religious organizations , mainstream Churches and Cults. They have come up with many good ideas and are confident of winning legal battles with the WTS on many fronts. They are involved with these types of class action suits all the time and almost always win. They are even willing to put in there own time on a contingency basis and only ask for costs upfront for out of pocket expenses. If law suits are successfull against all the other religious organizations then why not the WTS. Even if the suits were not sucessfull in a monetary way, the media coverage and the subsequent damage of that coverage would be worth the effort. Instead of saying you can't, why not at least make an effort. You may be suprised of the outcome.
by SHUNNED FATHER inthis is in reply to night warrior's comments earlier.
i agree with you.
change can be and has to be done.
by SHUNNED FATHER inthis is in reply to night warrior's comments earlier.
i agree with you.
change can be and has to be done.
This is in reply to NIGHT WARRIOR's comments earlier. I agree with you. Change can be and has to be done. Every day the WTS is ruining peoples lives, destroying families, killing children, and spreading their propaganda like a desease. We have the power to do something about it. Down thru history people have caused dramatic changes . Most changes in history are the result of the efforts of individuals and groups thereof. Think of unions, class action suits, revolutions, visionaries. In many of these cases an individual rose to the occasion and took a stand. We have the moral responsibility to act NOW. Each day the body count rises. Each day innocent children are martyred for a religious cause.We need to brainstorm and come up with ideas as a group and then decide which ideas may work and act on them. Up until now it has been individuals fighting against the WTS. If hundreds, thousands of victims joined forces it would make all the difference. The world would sit up and take notice. The media coverage would be phenomenal. If each person donated $100 there would be enough money to do several law suits. There is enough evidence to sue the WTS and charge their legal department with profesional misconduct, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. Some of these criminals would go to jail. We could take this to the Supreme Court, even the World Court. I would be happy to put up the first $100 dollars and even if we lost the court cases, I would be gratefull to have had the chance to TRY and make a difference, to TRY and save lives.
Most victims spend thier energy and time complaining. Instead we need to get focused ,united, organized and make things happen. Anything is POSSIBLE. Maybe some of us will be able to be awarded some financial compensation for our own suffering or at least have the satisfaction of helping others, saving lives and doing what is right and moral. Any bad publicity the WTS gets will do them damage and warn potential victims. They may loose there tax free status etc,. Who knows what is possible. We will not know until we try. The real CRIME is if we do NOTHING. Please contact me.
Lawrence Hughes www.watchtower-victims.org or
[email protected] -
by SHUNNED FATHER inthis is in reply to night warrior's comments earlier.
i agree with you.
change can be and has to be done.
This is in reply to NIGHT WARRIOR's comments earlier. I agree with you. Change can be and has to be done. Every day the WTS is ruining peoples lives, destroying families, killing children, and spreading their propaganda like a desease. We have the power to do something about it. Down thru history people have caused dramatic changes . Most changes in history are the result of the efforts of individuals and groups thereof. Think of unions, class action suits, revolutions, visionaries. In many of these cases an individual rose to the occasion and took a stand. We have the moral responsibility to act NOW. Each day the body count rises. Each day innocent children are martyred for a religious cause.We need to brainstorm and come up with ideas as a group and then decide which ideas may work and act on them. Up until now it has been individuals fighting against the WTS. If hundreds, thousands of victims joined forces it would make all the difference. The world would sit up and take notice. The media coverage would be phenomenal. If each person donated $100 there would be enough money to do several law suits. There is enough evidence to sue the WTS and charge their legal department with profesional misconduct, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. Some of these criminals would go to jail. We could take this to the Supreme Court, the World Court. I would be happy to put up the first $100 dollars and even if we lost the court cases, I would be gratefull to have had the chance to TRY and make a difference, to TRY and save lives.
Most victims spend thier energy and time complaining. Instead we need to get focused ,united, organized and make things happen. Anything is POSSIBLE. Maybe some of us will be able to be awarded some financial compensation for our own suffering or at least have the satisfaction of helping others, saving lives and doing what is right and moral. Any bad publicity the WTS gets will do them damage and warn potential victims. They may loose there tax free status etc,. Who knows what is possible. We will not know until we try. The real CRIME is if we do NOTHING. Please contact me.
Lawrence Hughes www.watchtower-victims.org or
[email protected] -
by SHUNNED FATHER inwhere in the watch tower publications does it say that jw family members should not associate with a family member that has been disfellowshipped or disassociated.
i will be going to court to get access to my daughter cassandra and joint custody.
for the past several months, i have not been able to have any visits with her.
Where in the Watch Tower publications does it say that JW family members should not associate with a family member that has been disfellowshipped or disassociated. I will be going to court to get access to my daughter Cassandra and joint custody. For the past several months, I have not been able to have any visits with her. I would like to be able to admit into evidence that the WTS policy that they enforce, will prevent my daughters from associating with me. Unfortunatly my wife took all the WTS publications.
Girl dies for her beliefs
by terafera inhundreds pay tribute to jehovah teen who fought against blood.
transfusions.. by licia corbella, editor.
do not mourn me for i'm not dead.. i lay asleep upon this bed.
I had a conversation with Bethany's doctor and he informed me that she did not die of cancer. Her cancer count was low and not life threatening. She died of congestive heart failure due to a lack of blood. If she had received a blood transfusion she may still be alive today. They had been giving her chemotherapy which kills blood cells. That is why they hid her in a JW home, so I wouldn't know. They sat there for weeks watching her die knowing a blood transfusion could save her.
The Family Court, Queens Bench and Appellet Court all concluded that Bethany and her mother were not capable of making an informed or independent decision or able to exercise there own free will and that they were under pressure and undue influence by the church.
by SHUNNED FATHER infor the month of october , i have four court hearings.
i had one yesterday and the link below to the calgary sun describes what happened.
i didn't have a lawyer, so i represented myself.
The following is basically what was said by me:
Your Honour, recently I made it known that I didnt want to proceed with this issue regarding Charter Rights. My reasoning was that Bethany had died so I didnt see the need to proceed. I have had a change of heart.
Your Honour, what about all the other children. They need to be protected.
Bethanys rights and Freedoms were violated. What was done to her was criminal. She was a victim, used, abused and tormented. No child should have to go thru what Bethany went thru.
It has been established in family court , in Queens Bench and upheld at Appellet Court that Bethany was under so much pressure and undue influence that she was not capable of making an informed or independant decision or able to exercise her own free will. To investigate this further would reveal how invasive and all encompassing that pressure and control really was.
Your Honour, if this trial proceeds , I wish to have expert witnesses testify that the WTS is guilty of using sophisticated Control Technigues, cruel and unusual treatment, issolation, undue influence, coercion, indoctrination, intimadation, fear tactics, misinformation, lies, and deceit. Your Honour, I believe it is essential, critical that these issues be settled to protect the many other potential victims, hundreds of innocent children who will suffer and die because of the WTS.
Bethany's Rights were violated by the WTS and not by the Director of Child Welfare. Almost anyone in this country would agree and would say 'Thank God' for Child Welfare and for the Courts for protecting children.
Your Honour, if proceeding with this trial would prevent other children from being victimized by the WTS, then I am in complete favour of proceeding.
by SHUNNED FATHER infor the month of october , i have four court hearings.
i had one yesterday and the link below to the calgary sun describes what happened.
i didn't have a lawyer, so i represented myself.
For the month of October , I have four court Hearings. I had one yesterday and the link below to the Calgary Sun describes what happened. I didn't have a lawyer, so I represented myself. There were three WTS lawyers present. After all six lawyers gave their statements, I was last. In my statement I exposed the WTS for what they really are and what their agenda really is, they certainly are not concerned about the rights of children. When I finished my statement, you could hear a pin drop. The WTS lawyers were all looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I was told later that my statement was very dramatic and moving. All the JW and my family sneaked out when it was over. I had a press conference at lunch time and after the Court Hearing. The WTS lost this battle, but the war continues. Last Wednesday, I met with a large law firm, Docken and Company www.docken.com who specializes in Class/Mass Action Suits worldwide against Cults and Churchs. They are heavy hitters (Cult Busters). They came up with some very good ideas on strategy and of Strategic Attacks on the WTS in the way of Law Suits that I hadn't thought of which would be very effective. They are particularly interested in joining the Consortium from the U.S.A. as well as initiating their own Action Suits that the consortium are not interesting in doing. The only money they want upfront is for certain expenditures such as travel, bringing in expert witnesses, etc. I urge all xJW to contact me and to spread the word. All xJW are eligible to join in these actions. It is a matter of which one you would benifit best from. You do not need to send any money at this time and may never need to. The time to act is now. Each day JW's are dieing needlessly. Don't wait until it is one of your children that is dieing. By then it will be too late. You can make a difference. You can help stop the slaughter. You can prevent the damage that is being done to innocent families. To contact me [email protected] or to know more visit the web site www.watchtower-victims.org http://www.canoe.ca/CalgaryNews/cs.cs-10-18-0004.html
by minimus insince so many are vehemently opposed to jehovah's witnesses, if it was in your power, would you simply outlaw the witnesses?
I have heard alot of good ideas and agree with almost everything. Banning the WTS will not stop them. Outlawing the practices that hurt people is what is important. Full disclosure is a must. I would like to see the WTS victims from all over the world unite and take Legal Action on a GLOBAL scale. Sell WTS assets, deposit the money into a trust fund and devide it among the victims. To fight a multi-billion dollar corporation requires a Mass Action Suit. I cannot say that enough. What I don't think has been mentioned on this thread (is that the proper term?) but most of us is aware is the endless stream of destroyed families, killing of innocent children and adults, suicides, mental illness, etc. etc. etc., all because a corporation wants to keep CONTROL and stuff more billions into Swiss bank accounts. The whole thing makes me sick to think about it. I feel the time to feel sorry, whine, complain, and discuss should be over ( not that we do not have a reason too). The time to DO SOMETHING is NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Each day the BODY count rises. Each day more families are used, and abused and destroyed. Each day children are being sacrificed. Each day witness members are committing suicide. This has to stop, and only YOU can stop it. I have started a Crusade to do this. Will you join? Will you HELP?
Welcome Lawrence !
by Simon ingood to see you online bud .
wish it was in happier circumstances
THANKS for your kind words. For the first two months of my ordeal I was alone and in the dark. Then someone contacted me and informed me of this and other web sites. If that had not happened I probably would have went crazy or killed myself. I was having a difficult time coming to grips with hearing and seeing WTS reps lieing to my family, the media and the courts. I thought perhaps I was imagining all of this, and that it was a bad dream.
For over eight months I have not been allowed to visit my youngest daughter or take her anywhere. My wife has several WTS lawyers handling her divorce and they are trying to break me emotionally and financially. They have noted in a letter that I am not to have custody or access. Of course I will fight them over this until I have no money left. If I have to I will stand on a street corner and beg for quarters, but I will continue to fight.
On October 07 there is a court hearing to be awarded costs against the WTS. If I win , this may set a precedent. October 17 the WTS is going to court to charge that Bethany's human rights and freedoms was violated, and that she (a brain washed child and a very sick child under tremendous external pressure) should have had the right to decide to die. Unfortunately the WTS has now got the poster child they were wanting, my dead daughter. I vow to destroy the WTS , or die trying. Will you help? The problem up until now has been that mainly individuals were fighting the WTS. In order to be sucessfull in battling a multi-billion dollar corporation, you need a Mass Action Suit. The more victims that join the better. How can a Court ignore the voices of tens of thousands of victims. How can the world court ignore the pleas of say a million people. Someone suggested having petitions signed to bring about changes in laws. I think most people would love to sign a petition to stop the witnesses from knocking on their door on early Saturday mornings. After enough victims have contacted me, that may be possible to do. I need the help of other victims. I cannot do this alone. Someone ( a group ) has to stop the WTS from destroying families and killing innocent children. Will you help?
by hamptonite21 init is amazing how far feched and distorted somepeoples views are.
what do you think of dragons post from beyond the watchtower?
can someone else take a stab at this one, im curious to see you thoughts on his post.
Hi everyone. I am SHUNNED FATHER. I am the one who has set up the web site www.watchtower-victims.org which I hope will help victims and launch a series of Worldwide Mass Action Suits against the WTS. These Mass Action Suits hopefully will recompense the victims in some way, and force the WTS to reform it's policies. The WTS does not want to lose money, members or receive bad press. I have learned from fighting them for the past eight months that the WTS hates bad media coverage. The media coverage of a series of Mass Action Suits worldwide would create tremendous ongoing media coverage which may cause them to change.
I found some of what Mr. Dragon had to say interesting. Mr. Dragon please contact me, I know nothing of politics. I am just an ordinary guy who's life has been destroyed by the WTS. I would like to prevent them from doing to others what they did to my family. I would appreciate any suggestions or help in what I am doing.
I was talking to my daughters doctor and found out that she did not die of cancer. Her cancer count was very low. It was not life threatening. She died from a lack of blood. If she had received a blood transfusion she would be alive today. P.S.-This is the first time I have ever posted on a forum.